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Sample Driving License Letter Conversion Format

Convert International Foreign License Letter Format


Andy Smith

54, Richard Apartment

New York

Date: May 14, 2022


The Officer

License Department

New York

Sub: Request for License Conversion

Respected Sir/ Madam,

I am writing this letter to request you to please convert my driving license. At present, I have an international driving license that was issued to me by the London Institute of Driving. Presently, I am residing in the USA and I wish to use my professional driving license here by using my same driving license.

Therefore, I would like to request you to please convert my international license into national license so that I can easily use it in the USA and drive. My license number is CND789. I have attached the copy of my license with the letter which I wish to have converted.

I hope you will consider my request and have it processed at the earliest.

Thanking in anticipation.


Andy Smith

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